CPS 2020 Annual Meeting

March 24, 2020 @ 5:00PM — 8:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Citizens for Public Schools 2020 Annual Meeting

CPS 2020 Annual Meeting image

Register now for CPS Annual Meeting, Tuesday, March 24, 5pm

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Save the evening of Tuesday, March 24, to help us honor five leaders of the Fund Our Future Campaign and champions of the Student Opportunity Act: Senators Jason Lewis and Sonia Chang-Diaz, Charlotte Kelly, Executive Director of the MA Education Justice Alliance (MEJA), as well as parent and student leaders from the campaign.

CPS members and non-members are welcome!

In addition to honoring these public education champions, the meeting will include a report of CPS's accomplishments and priorities. Come meet current and incoming CPS board members. Learn more about the benefits of joining our organization and how you can help to shape education policy in Massachusetts.

We've made significant progress in recent years in the fight against charter expansion and for more K-12 public school funding. Together, we can continue to defend public education and take action to make our vision for public education a reality. Come learn about CPS's advocacy for public education and how you can help make change in your school or district.

To confirm that your membership is up-to-date, or find out whether you need to update your membership, email Lisa Guisbond, here.

We are grateful to our individual sponsors for helping us to continue CPS’s work, including Sheila Decter, Suzanne Federspiel, Barbara Fields, Dan French, Alain Jehlen, Julie Johnson and Frank Smizik, Louis Kruger, Paula Parnagian, and Carol Savage. (Add your name to this list by making a donation to CPS.)